“Mom Friends”

So, to those of you who haven’t quite managed to go for that coffee with Katie from Music Tots, or plucked up the courage to talk to the gaggle of pregnant women at your yoga class. Don’t worry too much. Someone will come along. It may take a while, but it’ll happen.

How Life Changes When Child Two Comes Along

“Oh, he’s about to go through the terrible twos? Let’s give him a baby brother exactly at that point, so that he can add that emotional rollercoaster to his already GARGANTUON feelings. That way, we can go through the sleepless, relentless, confusing newborn phase at the same time as dealing with the tantrums and meltdowns. Ideal.”

Right Now, Our Kids Come Before Our Marriage

“I’m sorry,” my husband said as he left for work . . . followed by, “I love you,” and walked out the door, leaving me to ponder on the apology. That night I turned to him and said, “When we look back at this time, I am going to feel so proud of us.”

How Parenthood Has Changed me as a Teacher

My maternity leave went by terribly quickly and agonisingly slowly, and now I’m back to work, part time, and balancing my new life as both teacher and parent. I’m also a ‘preschool parent’ or a “school mum” now, which has put me on the other side of the school life, and it has really got me thinking about my past teaching practice.

His View From Home

This is a poem my husband wrote for me ❤ It was a rare day when I was working and he was at home with our boys. He wanted me to know he noticed the little things I do 😊

Dear Mum,

And now I am a mum myself, I am thinking about you. You have spent the entirety of your motherhood, being there. Always. And not just for me! You have done it for all four of us. You make each of us feel like we’re the favourite one. You are the most wonderful, selfless, caring, and thoughtful person in my world. I couldn’t survive my own motherhood without you. And I’d like to say thank you.

Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

AND!! Before all of that…. I need to have a proper shower. Not one of those two second showers where I just wash my pits and bits. A real shower. Preferably without small boys at my feet.

Essential Tips for Formula Feeding

It’s a bit of a confusing formula world out there, so… ignoring everyone else, I’m just going to write down what I’ve found useful with my boys.

Unexpected Postpartum Problems

I had a few weird things happen to me postpartum, but those were on top of the standard awfulness that ARE expected i.e: Having to sit on a kid’s rubber ring for a week because ALL THE BITS HURT! I also used frozen aloe vera covered mat-pads, which felt like a very cold, very soothing hug in my knick knacks.

My Bedroom is a Mess

If I take up a glass of water… it never comes back down. We have piles of laundry dotted around the place. I can barely see myself in our dust coated mirror. My son’s old cot is in parts, propped against the wall. You get the picture.

Her View From Home

I have a piece published on Her View From Home called, “I’m Raising Boys and I Want To Get It Right.”

Dear Husband

I love that we are making humans so that they can go and live whatever happiness they want.

No More Jobs

Now, I am continuously washing up. I don’t understand it. There is a constant stream of filthy plates, bowls, highchair trays, cutlery, cups, lunch boxes, pots, pans, THE BLOODY CHEESE GRATER, and it is never ending.

A Formula Feeding Mum

No matter how you feed your baby, you are feeding your baby. You are making sure that the little being you made is loved, fed, happy, warm, and safe – if you are doing those things, you are a good mum.

Pending Second Son

There may be a little sadness when you find out the gender, whether it’s at the scan, or at the birth itself. You will have imagined two people, and one of them disappears in a split second. My little girl disappeared the day of our 20 weeks scan. But luckily, the joy of the boy took over. Our little lad.

5 Benefits of Reading to Your Baby

I would save reading time for the night feeds so that I had some wonder to look forward to at 4am. He’d stir, I’d groan, I’d make his bottle with one eye open and a frown, and then I’d remember…. Harry’s about to visit Diagon Alley for the first time, and I’d be thrilled to be awake.

Christmas Fail #3

I saw the real damage. It was like something from Trainspotting. I decided I didn’t want to do it. No, sir. Not for me. I’ll pass on that gag-worthy atrocity if I can get away with it.

Christmas Fail #1

His hat wasn’t covering his ears properly. He wanted his blue coat, not his green coat. He couldn’t walk. He wanted Nanny to walk in front not behind. He wanted me to carry him, but I was breathing too loudly etc etc etc.

A Forceps Delivery

He looked at me and said, ‘Now, tell me why you don’t want a forceps delivery?’ and my mind went blank. Why didn’t I want a forceps delivery? I mean, ideally, I didn’t want a delivery. I just wanted a baby to appear with no need for excruciating pain or everlasting bodily damage.

3 Toddler Tantrum Tips

Knowing that you’re not alone and other people’s kids are just as weird as yours, makes everything a little less pants. Here are a few things you could try to soften the blow of those big toddler feelings.