How Life Changes When Child Two Comes Along

“Oh, he’s about to go through the terrible twos? Let’s give him a baby brother exactly at that point, so that he can add that emotional rollercoaster to his already GARGANTUON feelings. That way, we can go through the sleepless, relentless, confusing newborn phase at the same time as dealing with the tantrums and meltdowns. Ideal.”

Right Now, Our Kids Come Before Our Marriage

“I’m sorry,” my husband said as he left for work . . . followed by, “I love you,” and walked out the door, leaving me to ponder on the apology. That night I turned to him and said, “When we look back at this time, I am going to feel so proud of us.”

His View From Home

This is a poem my husband wrote for me ❤ It was a rare day when I was working and he was at home with our boys. He wanted me to know he noticed the little things I do 😊

My Bedroom is a Mess

If I take up a glass of water… it never comes back down. We have piles of laundry dotted around the place. I can barely see myself in our dust coated mirror. My son’s old cot is in parts, propped against the wall. You get the picture.

Dear Husband

I love that we are making humans so that they can go and live whatever happiness they want.